Sync-N-Link Review

This has been a long time coming. I’ve had Sync-N-Link for a little while and then got put on a project where I couldn’t use it because it was all playback. So now that I am back to life off of Yo Gabba Gabba, I had an opportunity to use it on a few other projects.

Let me start off by saying that normally I would go to use an Avid so that I could use the auto sync by timecode feature. However, the director I work with on Yo Gabba Gabba likes to use Final Cut Pro. He has cutting experience with it and I love working with him because of it.

So, he put together a new show and they recorded jammed timecode audio along with footage on the Scarlet. I used Sync N Link and saved myself at least a day to a day and half worth of work. How do I know? Well, the next project, very similar, did not have timecode jammed correctly so it took me that long for about the same amount of footage. It put me behind my normal habitual schedule (on YGG we have a coordinator/assistant editor, but on these side projects I just do it myself) and I lost a lot of time on the turnaround of my first cut to the director.

It’s fairly easy to use. Their website has a good video on how it works and what it is all about. At $495 it comes across as really expensive, but like anything that works this well, it is worth the price. If I were an assistant editor and working at this constantly, I would buy this and create time in my workday to do other things. One stop shop editors, if you are still cutting on FCP7 and getting files like this for your edits/from your clients, look into it. It will give you more time on the cut and allow you to elevate your skill.




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