Author: Bryce Randle (page 5)
Kessler Crane Pocket Jib Review
AJA IO Express Video Review
A short video review of the overall use of the AJA IO Express while I used it over 30 days. I used it with Avid Media Composer 5.5, Final Cut Studio and part of the Adobe Production Premium. I’d give it a 4 of 5 stars at the moment, but in the future I can see it having a full 5 stars once Avid and AJA start to work together more in the future.
Why Final Cut Pro X Is Sending Me Back to Avid
Final Cut X: Discuss
Final Cut X: I Don’t Get It
Before reading this article, this is what you should know:
– I didn’t go to the SuperMeet. My wife is expecting any day and I decided to stay home instead of potentially miss our little girl’s birth.
– I followed the feed and tweets of everyone there as best I could.
– I use Final Cut Pro every day.
Getting Familiar with the AJA IO Express
I got my hands on an AJA IO Express and so far I am loving it. As I have explained before, I decided to go with a the 17 inch MacBook Pro for my home editing system because I usually work in other offices where Mac Pros are provided. The AJA IO Express is a great upgrade for my system. It’s takes it up a step or two in terms of making me feel like I have a complete system on the go or in the office. So far I have used it with Avid Media Composer 5.5 (seems that my H.264 AMA media is a bit more stable so far, but I haven’t gone past 5 minutes in a sequence), Final Cut Pro and After Effects.
I hooked it up to my machine while working as a VFX editor on a feature at BluFire Studios. I was going through the different reels of the film and some footage really stood out to me like it never had before. There were a couple scenic shots on the 5D Mark 2 on this film while the rest of it was shot on the RED. Whoa, the 5D stuff just doesn’t compare to the RED, but I hadn’t noticed this as much before while using my second monitor as another display rather than going through a piece of hardware like the IO Express.
A couple of things you should know if you are setting up the AJA IO Express for the first time.
Sequence of the Day
The Modern Editor Myth
I have a problem with what people think is the Modern Editor. The one I speak of is the self taught, do it yourself, do it all, one stop shop who has not learned through others while ignoring pre established workflow patterns. I’ve been teaching a once a week night class on Post Production at a local University and have only come to believe in this idea even more so than before. After reading Scott Simmon’s tweet/article about Bewaring of (Some) YouTube FCP Tutorial Videos I was even more convinced that the “modern editor” not only existed, but was growing in the ranks.
What you should know about my past is that I am primarily self taught, so I don’t think that in and of itself is the issue. It’s thinking that being self taught is enough. I think it would be better to hand out some pointers rather than to say what I think is wrong.
– Find a mentor, be an assistant editor.