Compressor Repair: Still Haven’t Heard of It?

Some people still haven’t heard of one of the most useful programs around for the most problem filled application in Final Cut Studio. Compressor Repair will go into your system, do what it does and either fix your QMaster, tell you if you simply need to re-install Compressor, or whatever it is to get your Compressor application working again.

Here is the link to Digital Rebellion’s application:

Compressor is one huge reason I like Final Cut Studio. I am able to track multiple render times and now with Final Cut Studio 3, I can render out a project while editing another. How fantastic is that? Brian Engblom

In January of 2009, we flew Brian Engblom, Versus Hockey Studio Analyst and winner of 3 Stanley Cups with the Montreal Canadians, to Salt Lake City to be interviewed for our presentation of 50 Hockey Tips.

Brian Engblom is well known in the hockey community for sporting one of the best mullets in the world of hockey. However, Brian cut his hair before the start of the 2008 season. It was a shock to many so we decided to ask Brian about it at the end of his interview.

Ripping a DVD for Projects

Many times clients will come to me and say “Hey, I have this video. It just needs the sound changed and that’s it. Well, I would like to change one or two things. I only have it on this DVD, but that shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

No, it isn’t a problem. But it is still something that I feel a little hesitant to do. I don’t think anyone understands how compressed the project is when they give it to me. The real problem though is wondering if I am ripping, extracting, or un-compressing the best way possible.

While there are my solutions to the problem, I would love to hear what other people have found to be effective. Here are a few different options I use. They are not in any particular order.

Luc Robitaille & 50 Ways to Score More Goals

Last year in July we had to opportunity to interview a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, the great Luc Robitaille. Luc is featured in “50 Ways to Score More Goals” a project that Post Fifth Pictures produced for Hockey Player Magazine, LLC.
50 Ways To Score More Goals is available for purchase at and coming soon to national retailers.
50 Ways To Score More Goals is available for purchase at and coming soon to national retailers.

Last year in July we had to opportunity to interview a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, the great Luc Robitaille. Luc is featured in “50 Ways to Score More Goals” a project that Post Fifth Pictures produced for Hockey Player Magazine, LLC.

Shot on location in Park City, Utah, Luc shares some of his greatest tips and memories on how he became a star in the NHL.

My Avid Influenced Final Cut Pro Keyboard

f you are like me, you edit with both Final Cut Pro and Avid. I did learn Final Cut Pro about a year before I started editing on Avid, but now hold Avid a tiny higher than FCP. For what? It all depends. But the one thing I like to keep the same (or close to it) is the keyboard. This makes switching between systems much easier.

One of the best compliments an editor can get (when you already know that the client actually likes your cuts and your workflow) is that you are fast.

This is one tendency that will brings clients back again and again. The more directors and producers start to edit their own material with editing suites coming down in price so much, the less work editors have. One way to let them leave the edits to you is to show them you are going to get their job done faster.

If you are like me, you edit with both Final Cut Pro and Avid. I did learn Final Cut Pro about a year before I started editing on Avid, but now hold Avid a tiny higher than FCP. For what? It all depends. But the one thing I like to keep the same (or close to it) is the keyboard. This makes switching between systems much easier.

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