Starting with Compressor

Here is a post for getting started with Compressor. In most cases, you have the software and have no idea what it does or how it could save you a lot of time or you just never learned it. That’s okay. I am surprised how many people use Final Cut Studio, but don’t take advantage of this huge timesaver. The best part about FCP7, to me, is that you can render using compressor in the background while you continue to edit in Final Cut Pro.

However, for this post, let’s talk about getting started. You have an AVI or MPEG file and you want to make it editable in Final Cut Pro.

Open Compressor.

Don’t Fear the Default: YouTube in Compressor


I’m not usually a fan of deafult settings. I can personalize a project or a preference to be easier to use or to speed things up. In this case I want to talk about trying the default items out. I’m a big fan of some of compressor’s default settings. One in particular is the YouTube compression. This was added in Compress

or 3.5 I believe. Just go into compressor, just like you already do, and do a search for youtube in the presets. Select that option and submit away. You get a really nice image up to 720p. It’s an H264 image that is about 3.6 GB per hour. Give that a shot and see how it helps your image.

Compressor Repair: Still Haven’t Heard of It?

Some people still haven’t heard of one of the most useful programs around for the most problem filled application in Final Cut Studio. Compressor Repair will go into your system, do what it does and either fix your QMaster, tell you if you simply need to re-install Compressor, or whatever it is to get your Compressor application working again.

Here is the link to Digital Rebellion’s application:

Compressor is one huge reason I like Final Cut Studio. I am able to track multiple render times and now with Final Cut Studio 3, I can render out a project while editing another. How fantastic is that?

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