This program offers a way to assign metadeta to Quicktime files that will be plugged into an ALE. I found it very helpful when working with 7D files being put into Avid (after being converted to DNx36 HD into Compressor) that were missing reels and other important information that is needed in an EDL. My only complaint about the software is that copy and paste doesn’t work. You can download the free software piece here. If you find it extremely helpful, please donate via PayPal on the site. There is also an Avid Red EDL Template. I haven’t used it before, but I am sure it works well.
Nolan Southerland showed this software to me while I was working on a project with a lot of stand alone quicktime files without metadeta.
As for how to use the MetaCheater software, I will have to save that for another entry.