I feel like I am fairly busy lately hence the lack of updates. One of the ways I have kept steady work over the past year of 2010 is the way I stay in touch with those I have worked with in the past. I would recommend it to everyone that is looking for more work or is starting out in the business. Make a spreadsheet and add a few columns. On my spreadsheet I have a column for the name of the person, where they are located (since I do work in a few different areas in the country), the last time I spoke with them/contacted them, what their response was and any other note I may find useful.
Stay in touch with these contacts and always add new people you work with to the list. This way you keep track of when you last talked to the person and don’t accidentally bother them with additional questions or too many inquiries. When you are slow or out of work, make a reasonable goal of number of people to contact per day. It’s get a little depressing to write people over and over again every day, but if you keep in steady contact and let people know what you are doing, it will pay off. So take it easy and keep in touch with your network. Keep it short and simple, but don’t beg.
That’s my two cents. Or at least a look into it.