Author: Bryce Randle (page 7)
Batch OMF Export for Sound
Rent the GoPro Hero
Time Lapse with GoPro Hero
It’s obvious I’ve been doing other things. Since Thanksgiving it’s been busy and I have been taking some good time off during the holiday break. I’ve been to the office and I have been catching up on a lot of the loose ends that come along with the freelance world.
I did take the time to go to Las Vegas for a day. I won tickets to a Brandon Flowers show at the opening of the Cosmopolitan resort/casino. I took my brother down with me and we put the Go Pro Hero on my dashboard and drove the way down. So this is just a quick look into how it did with the time lapse feature.
Trying Out the GoPro Hero
Using Premiere Pro CS5
Excuse me for the long break in blogging, it’s been a busy time.
I just came off of an interesting project. I used Adobe Premiere CS5 on a spoof of Scott Pilgrim. I had not used Adobe Premiere since learning it in my high school tv/video class. Keep this in mind throughout the read please; I learned Premiere first, Final Cut Pro second and Avid third. I think that makes me different than most people who take the side of Avid in the argument between the three.
While I don’t look to face that argument through this read, I think it needs to be addressed that some tools are better for some things than others.
Keeping Steady Work
A Plea for Help with Premiere CS5
I keep getting this error and having Premiere CS5 crash on me. I’m editing native 7D footage mostly. I can’t figure out the problem and I’m about 85% done with the project. This obviously doesn’t help my opinion of Premiere Pro and I will write more about my positive and negative experiences later.