Time Lapse with GoPro Hero

It’s obvious I’ve been doing other things. Since Thanksgiving it’s been busy and I have been taking some good time off during the holiday break. I’ve been to the office and I have been catching up on a lot of the loose ends that come along with the freelance world.

I did take the time to go to Las Vegas for a day. I won tickets to a Brandon Flowers show at the opening of the Cosmopolitan resort/casino. I took my brother down with me and we put the Go Pro Hero on my dashboard and drove the way down. So this is just a quick look into how it did with the time lapse feature.

Using Premiere Pro CS5

Excuse me for the long break in blogging, it’s been a busy time.

I just came off of an interesting project. I used Adobe Premiere CS5 on a spoof of Scott Pilgrim. I had not used Adobe Premiere since learning it in my high school tv/video class. Keep this in mind throughout the read please; I learned Premiere first, Final Cut Pro second and Avid third. I think that makes me different than most people who take the side of Avid in the argument between the three.

While I don’t look to face that argument through this read, I think it needs to be addressed that some tools are better for some things than others.

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