This is a guest post from Chris Smith (yes, that is his real name) from Rivetal here in Orem, Utah. Rivetal does a lot of work with great companies like Sorenson (yes, Sorenson Squeeze) and has produced Blu Ray authoring for movies like Hairspray and Pan’s Labyrinth. I freelance with them from time to time and asked Chris to write a post on his Red workflow with his short. He has decided to show some perspective on this new journey by comparing it to something we can all understand; Star Wars.
At the risk of sounding like a complete dork I present the following:
A long time ago,(November 2009) in a galaxy far, far away(Rivetal sound stage) I officially took part in the digital rebellion against the evil film empire. On the 21st day of that month a small crew of 15 people came together to commence principle photography on a short film. Filmed in digital on the Red One camera we were able to match the resolution and look of 35mm film. Granted filming this way is nothing new, George Lucas, Peter Jackson, Stephen Soderberg all have tapped into the force of digital film making. They are in effect the Luke Skywalkers and Han Solo’s of digital film making, and I am a Youngling jedi trying to learn the ways of the force. Speilberg has yet to film in digital and would like to continue using film, his sad devotion to that ancient religion as not helped conjure up the future of film making(I love Steven Speilberg movies and have a great deal of respect for him).