I Will Judge You By Your Sequence

This is the sequence that inspired my post. It isn't the worst I have ever seen, but you get the idea.
This is the sequence that inspired my post. I should add that there is no compositing on this timeline and most of the titles are included in the after effects rendered movie files. It isn't the worst I have ever seen, but you get the idea.

As a freelance business, I visit many offices from which I have received a problematic phone call. “Our in house editor is sick/vacation/doesn’t work here anymore/gave up/ran away and we need someone to come fix, um, I meant finish our production/broadcast/video for us.”

Learning on Avid and Final Cut Pro nearly at the same time taught me a very important lesson about video tracks. Get rid of them. If your show is going to color correction especially you don’t want to send an EDL to the colorist with 6 tracks of video with 70% clips that don’t need color. It’s a bad habit.

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