Starting with Compressor

Here is a post for getting started with Compressor. In most cases, you have the software and have no idea what it does or how it could save you a lot of time or you just never learned it. That’s okay. I am surprised how many people use Final Cut Studio, but don’t take advantage of this huge timesaver. The best part about FCP7, to me, is that you can render using compressor in the background while you continue to edit in Final Cut Pro.

However, for this post, let’s talk about getting started. You have an AVI or MPEG file and you want to make it editable in Final Cut Pro.

Open Compressor.

iPhone 4 Camera: Test on Colors Outside

I have been out of town for a while networking, going to the NHL Draft for another blog and waiting in line for iPhone 4. I took some time after appointments to test the iPhone 4 camera at a place that had all sorts of different colors, lighting and movement. What better a place than Disneyland? In this piece I was mostly trying to see how all the colors would be taken in without any correction. Red. Check. Orange. Cool. Yellow. You get the idea. Please watch in 720p to get a better idea of the colors.

Here is another I shot in a backyard of my son singing the SNL short throw it on the ground.

Embarrassed of Edits

Have you ever cut something you are embarrassed to watch again? Do you feel sorrow everytime you hear the music cue on the television/youtube?

I once cut a piece for someone and was completely disgusted with how it turned out. I was booked on to another show and left the first job (ran out of budget) for another. The director proceeded to finish the rest of the show by themselves. I didn’t really want to leave the show because I like to see how projects go until the end. I was told we were about 95% done when I left  so I wasn’t too concerned.

I showed up to the viewing.

Experiment: Adobe Soundbooth + Avid Script Sync

So I tried it. I’ve read all about it on people’s twitter accounts, forums, blogs, etc, but I had never tried it or seen anything actually do it. In theory it should all work fine right?

Here is what I did:

Take a clip from your project, export an aiff of the clip. You will probably be working in Avid just because you are going to take it back into Avid to use the Script sync feature. In this case I was editing a non-scripted interview of NHL Analyst Brian Engblom for I took a clip that was close to a minute in length just for this test.

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