The Week of Anticipation

In a week I will be downloading Avid Media Composer 5.0. I’ve been delaying all edits of H.264 files. I have a batch of XDCAM files ready to test. I already have a client convinced we will use Avid on the next project instead of FCP because it is being shot on a 7D and the workflow will be faster. What other new tricks will I be able to conjure up in the “old dogs” software known as Avid.

On a small shoot yesterday, a client called me in to make sure this camera crew she hired was getting all the coverage and types of shots she wanted to see during our edit. I asked them about software preferences in editorial. It’s all FCP. All HDV. That sounds just like a big headache to me. Why not move with something faster workflow wise to save time and money? You know, the opportunity cost of the workflow?

I had lunch with an agency in Salt Lake City two weeks ago. After talking about a small piece I had edited, I showed them the piece on my laptop. “Is this color corrected already? It looks great!”

“Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”

I’ve always thought that the phrase dress for the job you want not the job you have was a little funny when applied to the entertainment industry. While working on Pirates of the Caribbean, the picture editor wore shorts and a t-shirt with sandals. I wore a polo shirt with jeans. So I guess the higher up you get in the editors guild, the more comfortable clothes you can wear. On a somewhat related thought I read this article and thought it was worth sharing.

As a Disney fan, I subscribe to a few Disney blogs and found this article on a real life “Jessica Rabbit.” This is circulating YouTube as this woman in her 50’s had plastic surgery done on her face and went on a diet to look more like her dream, Jessica Rabbit.

What Would FCP 8 Have to Offer To Keep You Interested?

After all this hype that has been circulating about FCP being dumbed down for only the prosumer and not the professional video editor, what will FCP have to offer you in order to stay as popular as it is? Whether people switch to Avid or even Premiere (watching another production company nearby use the CS5 AE to Premiere to AE features are pretty cool) is another question on its own, but seriously though. What would FCP 8 have to add to its features/interface to stay or become the standard in your world?

Obviously it would have to match everything Premiere and Avid are offering with their new upgrades, but what else? All I see from Apple people is “very awesome” or “exciting” or if you want exact words,

“”Final Cut Pro is the first choice for professional video editors, and we’ve never been more excited about its future,” Apple spokesman Bill Evans told CNET. “The next version of Final Cut is going to be awesome, and our pro customers are going to love it.”

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