A Look Back: Controlled Toggle Perspective

While attending my last semester at BYU Media Arts/Film school in 2006, I wrote this paper as a part of the Film Theory class. On our final test we had to remember 30 of the 32 class member presentations. Mine was not on the final due, what I believe,  to the goofy title and how easy it was to remember to connect to the summary. This may be a “no duh” type thing, but guess what movie I used as a prime example? Yeah, Click. Now that’s called guts.

Summary Statement: Drawing from the ideas of Eisenstein and Pudovkin on film editing creating emotion for propaganda and Browne’s ideas of the director making a specific moral order, controlled toggle perspective involves the meaning from specific notions and clues given to the viewer by the author. The filmmaker uses editing to draw the audience into the deeper meaning and intended message of the film. A prime example is crossing line and frequency of cutting in films. The director has a vision in mind to use editing as an object to allow the viewer to emulate the position of their protagonist by throwing them into a world of frequent cuts or by playing with the reversed perspective normally not in invisible editing.  In other situations crossing the line, crossing the axis primarily established in the first shot of a scene, can be used to create deeper meaning in a film or add to the moral order, thus giving it more emotion and advertising the message.

Duplicate Frames Save the Day

duplicateframesI was in the middle of getting a cut ready for a client and realized I had not implemented the last feedback she had given me. Oops.

I had sent her 8 min worth of selects and takes I liked and she sent me notes on the ones she didn’t really like. Forgetting about those notes, I felt like I was in the rhythm of things and made another cut. I sent it on to her and realized while sending the e-mail I had not made those changes. Oops again.

I quickly wrote her an e-mail reminding her that I would fix those cuts quickly, taking them out asap. I did it with duplicate frames on Final Cut Pro.

Q&A Prep With Star Trek: TNG Editor Daryl Baskin

We will be doing a Q&A with Daryl Baskin, whose work can be seen on Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series. Daryl is awesome and is open to questions from all. Send your questions asap via the comment board and we will ask as many as we can. We will post the interview some time next week.


UPDATE: February 25, 2010

The Anatomy of Filmmaking: Directing Actors

We recently completed a project together with Three Coin Productions and ISM Films (see below for a description of what ISM Films does).

We did the editing and a few of the motion graphics (Three Coin Productions providing the rest) on this project that helps students and new filmmakers understand each process of filmmaking. This specific section can be found on the third disc which goes over Production (the first covers Development, the second Preproduction and the fourth Post).

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